Have you been collecting old candle jars with the intentions of doing something with them? Or do you have a few sitting around your house that you just haven’t tossed yet? Reusing and recycling is not only ‘in’ right now, but it is eco-friendly! Instead of tossing those jars in the trash, consider ‘recycling’ them yourself. Here are the 5 steps to turn an old candle into a decorative jar that you can use in any room of your home!
What you’ll need:
–Chalk paint
-Small decorative knobs (design of your choice)
–Clear wax
Step 1: Remove any remaining candle wax
There are several ways to do this, but the easiest and safest way is placing your jar into the freezer for a few hours. Wax hardens and shrinks when frozen, so you will be able to pop the remaining wax out with a butter knife. Scrape any remaining residue off and clean out the jar with soap and warm water.
Step 2: Paint the lid with chalk paint
If you have a color scheme in your home, choose a chalk paint that will accent the room you plan to use your jar in. White is always a safe choice if you are unsure! Be sure to grab a small piece of sandpaper to use between coats if you don’t already have some on hand. This will help to create a smooth finish on the lid.
Step 3: Cover the lid with clear wax
After your chalk paint is sanded and wiped down, cover the lid with clear wax. This will add the perfect finishing gloss to the lid.
Step 4: Attach your knob
Using superglue, attach the knob to the center of your lid. Let the glue dry and set completely.
Step 5: Fill with goodies and display
Whether you’re using it for cottonballs in your bathroom or candy on your office desk, your new jar is ready to show off!